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Peace Language, -known also as nonviolent communication- developed by American Clinical Psychologist Marshall Rosenberg.
Since we had to use the word ‘violent’ due to the translation when we refer to non-violent communication, we have decided to call it ‘Peace Language’ instead. Living in a world where violence is spreading around rapidly, we yearn for relationships where emotions and needs are shared from the heart.
What happens to our emphatic nature that we have from birth so that we cannot feel and see each other and ourselves?

We are hurling in the relationships that we first learn in the family, in schools and then later reinforced in professional life where judgments, criticisms, labeling, comparisons, who is right and who is wrong questions are more important than what we actually need.
At this point, Peace Language firstly invites us to look at the peace within ourselves which beyonds who is right and who is wrong. It takes us into the world of abundance for resolving conflicts step by step first re-connecting with our emotions and needs along making observation to our experiences.
Moreover, we can use the peace language as an effective communication method in any sort of our relations we have at many areas such as schools, work, health centers, jails, communities and families, in order to prevent and resolve conflicts.
Areas Where Peace Language Being Used



Conflict Resolution

Therapy and Counseling


Family&Individual Relations
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